Many are aware and are up to date on the notorious and infamous Office of Police Complaints in BC. However, not too many people are aware that those who file a complaint have a 90% FAIL RATE when they file a complaint against the police in BC, which is shocking and borders on evil.
In the past we did witnessed a Middle Eastern man threatened and intimidated by corrupt police officers in Vancouver. When the Middle Eastern man wrote to the office of police complaints commission not only did they deny him justice but even said that his complaint is inadmissible.
According to The deputy police complaint commissioner Rollie Woods set up a lucrative retirement sinecure while conducting cover-ups on behalf of the Vancouver Police Department’s oddly named Professional Standards unit? Under his direction, VPD investigators set out in advance to find the police 100-per-cent right and complainants or victims 100-per-cent wrong, smeared complainants, interviewed complainants only at the end of investigations, conducted witness-tampering and lied about the Criminal Code. After that, Woods cover-ups were then rubber-stamped by the OPCC. Stan Lowe hired and promoted this repugnant liar, ensuring a dishonest cop culture prevails at the OPCC.
Which brings us to the topic of liars and deceptions.
- In November 2017. A hostile mean Feminist officer, Emily Florkow, threatened and intimidated a Middle Eastern man who is low income and partially blind. She got away with that misconduct because she was protected by the office of the police complaints commission.
Not only was she protected by the corrupt office of the police complaints commission but even her sergeant Beverly Mitchell, who also protected her when officer Emily Florkow lied.
What is even more insidious is that when the middle-eastern man contacted Sergeant Beverly Mitchell regarding the lies and corruption, Sergeant Beverly Mitchell was too afraid to reply or to honest to lie, so she had her friend Sergeant Tyson Radons disgrace himself and the Vancouver Police Force with a ridiculous lie and cover up. We have to hand it to Sergeant Beverly Mitchell, who is very cunning.
- What is even more egregious is that any honest and good citizen would quickly see the lie. The only way conceivable way for Emily Florkow to succeed in her lies was with the protection of the Office of Police Complaints Commission and her female boss Sergeant Beverly Mitchell
The taxpayers and good citizens of this country within 5 seconds can detect the lies of Sergeant Beverly Mitchell & Emily Florkow because the facts are very simple and very solid.
The lie that Emily Florkow tried to use was that
she threatened the middle-eastern man with arrest and jail without even speaking to him because “she did not have his phone number”.
Of course any rational person will agree how ridiculous that lie was. Because with one tongue she slandered the middle-eastern man as being “notorious”, while with the other tongue she said that she did not have a
phone number number for him? Additionally. The middle-eastern man she threatened and abused is a good citizen and has reported many crimes. Every Time the police dispatcher got his phone number which is on the police computers.
However. Emily Florkow can engage in that kind of one-sided, malicious attack on poor middle-eastern man, not only because she is a shameless coward but because she is protected by other shameless cowards such as Sergeant Beverly Mitchell and the shameless cowards from the office of the police complaints commission such as Joash Fang who just does what his superiors such as Rollie Woods tell him to do, otherwise he will be fired.
Who was Officer Florkow representing you might ask? Was a local business owner? No it was Brenhill Developments. .
Jacqui Colby who is the executive assistant for Brenhill accused the middle-eastern man. living in a SRO and partially blind with a spurious accusation. All that middle-eastern citizen did was to stand up for his rights and to seek justice because Jacqui Colby caused him to lose a job with moving company. All because he request that Brenhill Developments. give him a few pots and pans that were labelled as “donations”. When the middle-eastern man got excited because he cannot afford fine pots and pans, Jacqui Colby interpreted that as aggressive and called the moving company within minutes. The next day the moving company told him that he lost his job, which would cause anyone a crisis. A few hours later the middle-eastern man informed her boss, Brenhill Developments, about the actions of Jacqui Colby, and a few other concerns. Then on October 31 2017, officer Florklow, instead of informing the accuser to get help for getting the poor man fired, officer Forklow decides to not even give the poor man 30 seconds and hear his side, but to threaten him, even after he was fired and had lost his job.
For those who are unaware, Brenhill has been the subject of many news articles. In spring of 2017 the RCMP did receive a complaint against Brenhill Developments. Then David Eby stated: “BC Housing gave a $40-million loan to a Brenhill Developments to finance the pre sale marketing of condos that start at $1.6 million each,” NDP housing critic David Eby said in the legislature.
Taxpayers and all citizens must stop paying millions of dollars for the Office of Police Complaints Commission. Were you aware that there are websites that document all the corruption of the OPCC? Such as
What can you do? Contact Chief Adam Palmer and demand justice. However poor Adam Palmer has only been the Chief for a few years and inherited the force with a number of bad officers and cannot rock the boat too much. But you can try.
Also contact; MLA: Hon. Mike Farnworth, and demand that Rollie Woods and Stan Low from the OPCC be removed and replaced with clean and professional citizens.
MLA: Hon. Mike Farnworth
Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General
Room 128 Parliament Buildings
Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Phone: (250) 356-2178
Fax: (250) 356-2178
Fax: (250) 356-2178
107A, 2748 Lougheed Hwy
Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 6P2
Phone: (604) 927-2088
Fax: (604) 927-2090
LASTLY. When you get a chance. Please read the advice of one of your most popular VPD officers–Cst. Anne Marie Clark.
Ask yourself: why does Cst Clark consider this advice VPD officers need to hear and understand?
Contact Constable Emily Florkow 2665 and ask her why she did not hear the middle-eastern man’s side. And why she degraded herself and the police force when she lied about not knowing the middle-eastern man’s phone number.
Vancouver Police Department
District 1/Team 1
Phone: 604-717-9131
The picture below is one of the OPCC “analysts,
Jake Kislock, an Investigative Analyst for the Office of Police Complaints Commissioner
Do you honestly think that this character knows the word “Fabulate”
to tell invented stories; create fables or stories filled with fantasy.
to relate an event as a fable.
Historical Examples
People who commit these falsehoods may be people of talent, and, as Goethe says of himself, may have desire tofabulate.
Criminal Psychology Hans Gross
Lastly. Here is some good news. A bully White-Anglo Saxon Feminist gets caught bullying and abusing her power. She got fired. THANK GOD FOR VIDEO !!!!
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