Over the years there has been many complaints against the Vancouver Police Department, especially their behavior when it comes to the homeless and low-income citizens in Vancouver. Just Google and you will find incidents such as these:

Without even being hyperbolic or exgattering it is fair to say there are several complaints against the VPD regarding these types of misconduct. However it is very rare for the low-income citizens to get justice. Now imagine if it was a low-income citizen AND a non-white?
Just a few weeks ago where heard the unthinkable. How often do you hear in the news that a Black organization is breaking ties with a Police department? It is quite rare indeed. However that is exactly what happened here in Vancouver. The VPD again, being accused of mistreating non-whites. This was on CBC and everywhere.
Just recently we read in Vancouver City news on April 1, 2024. The African Descent Advisory Committee is cutting ties with the Vancouver Police Department, due to what they are calling a lack of respect during decision-making processes. Sadie Kuehn, former co-chair of the committee, says police leadership has been disrespectful and dismissive of its members.
Now lets move to low-income citizens in Vancouver.
In early June, a low-income citizen AND non-white suffered a conflict with a WHITE-OWNED business. And I could stop right here and you will guess the outcome. But I will provide the details.
The white high status female who owns the business ALL FIT CYCLE AND STRENGTH was upset that a low-income citizen did not provide 5 star reviews but let negative reviews on the business page called Constable Matthew Lamontagna to do the white-owned business threaten and intimate the low-income, middle-eastern citizen. The low-income citizen applied for work there. However for some reason the owner replied to the middle-eastern citizen that he is not suitable because of ‘SAFETY CONCERNS”.
Instead. Chloe Mcgee, as you will read below engaged in a malicious form of passive-aggressive attacks, which in our opinion, border on hate crimes,not a professional business. Please read but we hope you don’t get disturbed after reading Chloe Mcgee’s wordsmithing:
Hello I appreciate you taking the time to pose these options. However, I don’t think working together would be a good fit, as we don’t have aligning values. At All Fit, our brand is based on the principle of making fitness approachable to all levels of athletes, with the safety of our clients as the top priority. We also strive to make fitness fun, and create a judgement free community where members can come together. The instructors at All Fit will be incredibly humble, for the benefit of the client, to ensure safety is maintained, as well as create a safe and positive space worth coming back to. Chloe Mcgee
Notice how many times how many times Chloe Mcgee mentions SAFETY? Where did that come from?
How did a middle-eastern offering his services result to the topic of SAFETY? How often does one apply for a position and gets a reply like that?
As such. The low-income citizen, who is middle-eastern rightfully became distressed and left negative reviews on the business page.
Instead of the white business owner just simply click BLOCK which would have solved the problem, she decided to call the white-knight Constable Matthew Lamontagna who is on Google in a few videos engaging in hockey fights. Again. Instead of. Constable Matthew Lamontagna tell the malicious business owner, that even a 5th grader would simply click block and to cease and desisst wasting tax-payers money and police resources, Constable Matthew Lamontagna disgraces the VPD and agrees that the middle-eastern, low-income citizen will be threatened and intimidated and that. Constable Matthew Lamontagna has not problem wasting tax-payers money for her. Even though victims being assaulted need the police to protect them, as we read below.
The good news is that we got Constable Matthew Lamontagna on TAPE threatening the low-income middle-eastern citizen. You will hear Constable Matthew Lamontagna in own words threatening, low income middle-eastern citizen, saying that he would be criminally charged if he left COMMENTS on the All Fit Cycle and Strength busness page. You can hear the dirty officers voice on this video:
It’s quite chilling to hear such threats. In what world is the Vancouver Police Department in thinking that a one-sided, self-serving report as “legitimate” ? However Constable Matthew Lamontagna actions are 100% consistent with what the Black Advisory Board stated–being mistreated and disrespected.
Lastly Constable Matthew Lamontagna is very aware that he harmed the middle-eastern citizen in a few ways. Of course the threats and intimation, but also he harmed the low-income citizens future. Because in the police report the low-income citizen will be labeled an “harasser” which is accessible to the public, and potential employers, etc. Constable Matthew Lamontagna refused to listen to the middle-eastern citizen when he asked the constable to relay to the accussor the he finds her actions harassing and to cease and desist using the police to intimate and censure him. Constable Matthew Lamontagna, the hockey player refused.
To wrap it up. Vancouver is full of prejudice individuals who stereotype middle-eastern citizens. To conclude. Please don’t give your business to All Fit Cycle and Strength which will send a message to prejudice white, high-status females, like Chloe Mcgee that she should stop practicing what psychologists call “Confession through projections”. Which means that when she accuses middle-easterns of being unsafe she is projecting her unsafe personality on her victim. Which, borders on psychotic.
Secondly contact the VPD leadership by writing letters and demand that they hear the side of the non-white citizen and allow that side also be in the Police Report. And of course that they admonish the hockey player, white knight. Constable Matthew Lamontagna